Knowing God

What does it mean to know someone? 

It's one thing to know facts or figures about someone. It's entirely different to be in relationship with someone - to do life with them, have experiences with them. 

Knowing God in this way can oftentimes seem daunting, overwhelming, or even scary.

And yet, we know, that as a community we long to know God deeply and intimately. 

Therefore, in 2025 our church will be embarking on a journey of exploring different spiritual practices in the hopes of knowing God at a deeper level. Each month we will preach through, offer labs, and participate in a different practice.  

Be sure to check back on this page regularly for resources and more information about each practice.

  • january - Sabbath

    Would you like to explore more of Sabbath? Join one of the following gatherings: 

    • January 7th @7pm
    • January 14th @7pm
    • January 28th @7pm
    If you would like to read more on Sabbath we suggest the following books:

February - Intercessory prayer

Join us in the month of February focusing on the spiritual practice of Intercessory Prayer. We will be introducing this practice on February 2nd during the worship service. Most importantly plan to join us each week at one of our prayer gatherings:

  • Women - Tuesday mornings at 10am in Room 5
  • All - Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in the Worship Center


march - Fasting

Join us in the month of March focusing on the spiritual practice of Fasting.  

  • Starting March 5th: 21 Day YouVersion Plan on Fasting
  • March 18th @7pm: Discussion, Questions, Encouragement on Fasting
  • March 25th @7pm: Board Game Night, to be together and join together in fun as a community as we fast.
