weekly announcements

Check our weekly announcements for news, activities, and events.

  • Women of Valor conference / / October 25th & 26th

    This conference is being put on by Women of Redeemer on our campus! Save the date for Friday night, October 25th and all day Saturday the 26th. The theme is Vindicating the Vixens, revisiting the vilified, marginalized and sexualized women of the Bible. Registration is now open! Click here to register, and here to find out more!

  • Jonnie kuennen memorial service / / October 21st @12:30pm

    Join us in celebrating the life of our dear friend Jonnie Kuennen on October 21st at 12:30pm. The service will be held at the Sylvan Cemetery in Citrus Heights. 

  • Bike for congo fundraising challenge  //  sunday october 27th @1:30pm / /  meet at BEALS POINT fOLSOM FOR A 31 MILE BIKE RIDE. 

    We are partnering with the Paul Carlson Partnership in an effort to raise a goal of $1500 for UCare4Congo which supports the entire Covenant Church of Congo medical system, and includes training healthcare workers, improving access to clean water in remote villages, providing regular medicines and supplies, and treatment for those who can't afford medical care. Check out this LINK for more info and how to donate. 

  • August & YTD Giving

    The Leadership Team would like to keep you updated on the monthly and year-to-date giving for Redeemer. Thank you for your generosity and sacrificial giving.

    To give online, you can do so here.