weekly announcements

Check our weekly announcements for news, activities, and events.

  • sabbath labs / / tuesday nights @7pm for the month of january

    This month we are focusing on the spiritual practice of Sabbath. If you missed our introductory sermon you can find it here. Be sure to check out our resource page for more resources on Sabbath. We will also be holding small groups that will provide more information and opportunity to learn. These are stand alone meetings. Plan to join Pastor Dan at one on January 14th, or 28th at 7pm in Room 5. 

  • redeemer kids movie night / / january 17th @5:30pm

    All are invited to come watch The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with Redeemer Kids in Room 2 on January 17th at 5:30pmBring dinner to eat while we watch the movie. Popcorn, snacks and drinks will be provided. This movie has some scary moments, so be sure to check out reviews and get more info to determine if it's right for your child.

  • valentine card making for seniors / / Saturday, Jan 18th @11am

    All women are invited to Swenson Hall on January 18th from 11am-1pm to share in a potluck and make Valentine Cards for seniors in our community. All supplies will be provided. Bring food to share as we make cards. No RSVP required, this is a great event to invite friends to!

  • Introduction to Free Modular N Scale Model Railroading / / jan 18th 8am-5pm

    All are invited to Redeemer to discuss and demonstrate the components of a Freemo-N module trains and combining them for a layout. We plan to stand up a small layout in Room 2 and operate some trains while demonstrating some of the design and construction techniques. Setup 8am until 5pm. For more information visit this website.

  • Congregational Annual celebration / / january 26th @10am

    This year we will be celebrating and focusing on 15 years of Tuesday Night Dinner! Our service of celebration will be a time to remember and celebrate God's faithfulness and provision, and as we appreciate the many hands and hearts that have weekly loved and served our community since 2010.

  • congregational business meeting / / february 2nd after the worship service

    There are a lot of exciting changes that have taken place since our last meeting at the end of December. We will be having a Congregational Business Meeting on February 2nd right after the service to nominate new Leadership Team members, and present a revised budget that reflects our new staff members. Plan to stay after service to participate!

  • december & YTD Giving

    The Leadership Team would like to keep you updated on the monthly and year-to-date giving for Redeemer. Thank you for your generosity and sacrificial giving.

    To give online, you can do so here.