Check our weekly announcements for news, activities, and events.
weekly announcements
weekly announcements
Check our weekly announcements for news, activities, and events.
Spiritual Practices: Intercessory Prayer / / Month of February
Join us in the month of February focusing on the spiritual practice of Intercessory Prayer. We will be introducing this practice on February 2nd during the worship service. Please visit our resource page if you are desiring to go deeper. Most importantly plan to join us each week at one of our prayer gatherings:
4 week prayer small group / / Wednesdays @1pm starting feb 19th
This small group will meet for four weeks at the home of Richard and Christy Krupp. Join this group every Wednesdays at 1:00pm for a time of teaching and praying together. Dates they will meet are:
redeemer kids Teddy Bear picnic / / february 22nd 2pm-4pm
All Redeemer kids ages toddler - 2nd graders are invited to this is a drop off event. Each child can bring their favorite stuffy and we'll spend our time together playing games, having snacks and making crafts to go along with our stuffies. RSVP here to let us know your child can make it.
december & YTD Giving
The Leadership Team would like to keep you updated on the monthly and year-to-date giving for Redeemer. Thank you for your generosity and sacrificial giving.
To give online, you can do so here.