Check our weekly announcements for news, activities, and events.
weekly announcements
weekly announcements
Check our weekly announcements for news, activities, and events.
Spiritual Practices: fasting / / Month of March
Join us in the month of March focusing on the spiritual practice of Fasting. Please visit our resource page if you are desiring to go deeper, join in on a YouVersion plan, find videos, resources and more. Plan to join us for:
4 week prayer small group / / Wed, @1pm starting feb 19th
This small group will meet for four weeks at the home of Richard and Christy Krupp. Join this group every Wednesdays at 1:00pm for a time of teaching and praying together. Dates they will meet are:
more curious, less furious, / / tues, march 11th @7pm
All are welcome March 11th at 7pm in room 5, right after Tuesday Night Dinner to have a guided discussion on being More Curious, and Less Furious. Sign up online here or with Lori Dunn, to make sure we have enough facilitators and childcare. RSVP is not required, but is appreciated. Groups max out at 8 people. We hope you'll join us and invite any that you think would be interested.
Redeemer Kids Parent Lunch / / Sun, March 16th @11am
Redeemer Kids Parents are invited to stay after church to have lunch with Natalie. They’ll have lunch in room 5 and let the kids play (supervised) in the Children’s Wing. It will be equal parts things Natalie wants to share and hearing from parents as they continue on their journey together of growing kids to be more like Jesus. Let Natalie know you can make it by signing up here.
board game night / / tuesday, March 25th @6:30pm
What do board games have to do with fasting? Sometimes it's hard to fast, so why not come and have some fun in community while you do!? Join us on March 25th @6:30pm in Room 5 for a night of fun. All ages are welcome! See you then!
Church work day / / sat, March 29th @8:30am
Save the Date! Plan to join us and bring the whole family for a Saturday morning of stewarding our space well. There will be a lot of different things we'll be tackling together on the property to get ready for all that the Easter Season will hold on campus. More info to come!
Women of Valor Book club / / Sunday, March 30th @6:00pm
All women are invited to join in reading A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers. The group will meet to discuss the books on Sunday, March 30th at 6:00 in Room 5 on campus. Childcare can be provided. Please reach out to Alicia Pharis for more details or for childcare.
february & YTD Giving
The Leadership Team would like to keep you updated on the monthly and year-to-date giving for Redeemer. Thank you for your generosity and sacrificial giving.
To give online, you can do so here.