SUNDAys @9AM / / ROOM 5
The Person, Acts and Teaching of Christ Jesus study meets on Sunday mornings at 9am. This study meets in Swenson Hall (on the Refuge side). All are welcome! Please email Randy for details. The Sunday morning bible study will be very scripturally based in case you would like to drop in on any Sunday.
1st & 3rd Sundays of the month @ 4pm / / godshall home
This small group will be begin meeting September 1st and will meet twice a month (on the 1st & 3rd Sundays) at 4pm at the home of Matt & Natalie Godshall. The groups goal is to live authentically together, have deep conversation around various biblical topics, and to be purposeful to support one another in life. For more information please contact Matt or Natalie.
Tuesdays @10AM / / room 5
This women's small group meets every Tuesday @ 10am in Room 5 and is be facilitated by Joan Courts. Join as women of Redeemer to lift up each other, our community, and our world in prayer. For more information please contact Joan.
Tuesdays @10am & Wednesdays @10am
These men’s small groups aim to encourage each other in their walk with Christ. One is on Tuesdays at 10am at Redeemer in Swenson Hall. The other is on Wednesday at 10am at Norma Hamlin Park. Bring a lawn chair. Please email Jerry Kenny for more information and to join.
wednesdays @6:30pm / / Worship center
Something beautiful and powerful happens when we come together to pray. Join us in the Worship Center every Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:30pm to pray. All are welcome. If you have questions, contact Pastor Dan.
thursdays @10am / / various locations
The Redeemer Gal Paddlers meets every Thursday morning at different spots in the area. All women are invited, if someone needs a kayak and paddleboard they can be provided. Contact Christy (916-450-1114) to be added to the text thread or to find out where they are meeting that week.
wednesday @10am / / Swenson hall
All are invited to join us for an exercise class at 10am every Wednesday morning starting August 14th in Swenson Hall. This class will be led my Mitzi King, an experienced instructor. The class will include a short devotion, a time of connection and exercise. All are welcome.
once a month @6:30pm
All women are invited to join in reading A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers. The group will meet to discuss the books on Sunday, March 30th at 6:00 in Room 5 on campus. Childcare can be provided. Please reach out to Alicia Pharis for more details or for childcare.
Once a month / / first saturday @8am
All men are invited to breakfast and fellowship on the first Saturday of every month at 8am in Swenson Hall. No RSVP is required and breakfast is provided. Come for the good food, stay for the fellowship. Contact Dan Meyerpeter for more information.
Once a month / / 4th Saturday @noon
All women are invited to this potluck lunch at the home of Kathy Ryan the fourth Saturday of each month at 12noon. Women are encouraged to bring a salad or dessert to share and enjoy fellowship together. RSVP is not required. Contact Kathy Ryan for more details.