
Constitutional change

Proposed Amendment to Church Constitution:

Section 6.  Voting.  Each member, and only members, shall be entitled to cast one vote on any matter at hand at any meeting of the membership. Such votes must be cast in person. Vote by proxy shall not be allowed.

To be changed to:

Section 6. Voting.  Each member, and only members, shall be entitled to cast one vote on any matter at hand at any meeting of the membership. Such votes must be cast in person unless a proxy vote is requested due to a medical reason.

Process and Procedure for Proxy Voting:

  • A member with a medical reason must contact a Staff or Leadership Team member and request a proxy vote three or more days before the day of voting. 
  • The contacted person will pole the Leadership Team via text or email for majority approval to allow the proxy vote.
  • If approved, two members of the Staff and/or Leadership Team must take the proxy vote along with a sealable envelope to the member.
  • The member will cast their proxy vote and seal it in the envelope.
  • The sealed envelope will be placed in the church office safe where it will be held until the day of voting.